I often talk about the "pink bubble" of
Mary Kay with my friends. It is this happy, positive environment of a
Mary Kay event or meeting. Everyone is excited, supportive and eager to
learn and share ideas with each other. We know we all have "stuff" in
our daily lives we are dealing with, but we leave our stuff at the door
and focus on supporting one another.
I am thankful for my pink bubble. I am blessed that God placed these
women in my life to support and encourage me in my life and in my
business. I am thankful for my consultant friends and directors who are
there to cheer me on and challenge me to think a new thought.
think we are all guilty of letting the "stuff" get in the way - myself
included. From time management, outside commitments, sick children,
CCB's daily hormone injections, doctors appointments, and a traveling
husband, it is easy to get bogged down in the stuff of life. It is in
these moments I need to channel my inner pink bubble and get back to my
positive space. If I get bogged down with all of the negative energy, I
can't effectively get anything done. I may take a 5 minute time out,
say my positive affirmation, focus on what I have gotten done or count
my blessings to get back on the right track. It is not always easy and
I am guilty of not always remembering to get myself back on the right
track. But when I do, I am always amazed at the results and my mind
the spirit of Mary Kay, I am going to issue a challenge - when the
stuff of life gets in the way and bogs you down, take this moment to
remember your blessings.
Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!
awww this is nice. I like your pink bubble. :)